
Portsmouth, NH Cosmetic Facial Surgery at AW Plastic Surgery

Beauty begins with authenticity: Your face should reflect your personality, vitality, and chosen cosmetic goals while retaining an aura of maturity and sophistication. Whether you’re concerned about aging or feel that one of your features doesn’t “fit” the rest of your face, Dr. Anthony Wilson will attentively listen to your concerns and develop a plan to achieve graceful, natural rejuvenation.

When skillfully performed, facial procedures can help you embrace the best version of yourself by accentuating your distinctive features: The various types of facial surgery we offer at our Portsmouth clinic eliminate distractions (such as fine lines, hollows, and sagging skin) while refining or augmenting the lips, cheeks, chin, nose, and eyes, as desired. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Wilson understands how to enhance the face during any stage of life, and he always selects the least invasive option capable of meeting his patient’s needs. Your safety, comfort, and complete satisfaction are his top priorities, from the moment you enter our office until you’ve completely recovered from your procedure – and beyond.

To discover the many benefits of aesthetic facial surgery, contact AW Plastic Surgery in New Hampshire at (603) 294-4526, or explore the procedures outlined below:


As in other areas of our bodies, the aging process causes facial skin and tissue to lose elasticity and volume. Facelift surgery restores a naturally youthful facial appearance by lifting and firming the sagging tissue and removing any excess skin. Incisions are located just behind the hairline and around the front of the ear, hidden in the natural folds. Our patients typically choose facelift surgery to prevent costly upkeep of fillers, especially as cosmetic facial aging become exaggerated and non-surgical procedures do not deliver satisfactory results. We are committed to creating natural, beautiful results with facelifts.

Neck Lift

A neck lift improves the appearance of the jawline and neck, which are often affected by heredity, gravity, environmental conditions, fluctuating weight, medical conditions, and even stress. This procedure can be used to create a balance between a youthful looking facial aesthetic and the neck and jaw; having taught, firm skin on the face, but the appearance of a “turkey neck” often makes patients feel uncomfortable. After your procedure, you can enjoy the benefits of a smooth and sleek jawline and neckline, making you look many years younger.


Blepharoplasty is a procedure used to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Treatment is recommended for correcting loose or sagging skin on the upper lid (which may impair vision), puffiness or bags under the eyes; and drooping lids or excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid. Incision lines for both upper and lower eyelid surgery are concealed within the natural structure of the eyelid, so all anyone will see is your rejuvenated and youthful appearance. An eyelid lift is the perfect, subtle procedure for turning back the clock.

Ear Surgery

Otoplasty or cosmetic ear surgery alters the size, position, and proportion of large, protruding ears. Treatment improves self-confidence and emphasizes patients’ natural beauty. There are several types of surgeries used to create the desired effect such as ear pinning or repositioning to create symmetry. During the consultation, the best procedure to address your concerns will be chosen. Incisions will be located based upon the changes desired but are generally positioned in inconspicuous locations where the ear meets the head or within the inner folds. Patients of any age can benefit from this treatment.

Brow Lift

The aging forehead affects our facial expressions; we can often look tired, worried, or even angry despite feeling our best. A brow lift rejuvenates the face and creates a refreshed, natural vibrancy. During this procedure, the upper one-third of the face is smoothed by removing excess sagging skin, repositioning the underlying muscle and tissues and eliminating deep furrows. A brow or forehead lift is a localized procedure that can create a youthful effect on the whole face.

Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting rejuvenates areas of the face that have experienced loss of natural fat pads and a reduction in skin-plumping collagen. The eyes, cheeks, and jawline are generally more pronounced and hollow-looking as we age. Think about facial fat grafting procedure as the natural and long-lasting way to fill facial hollows for a rejuvenating effect. Fat cells that are grafted and establish a blood supply are considered permanent. Some patients prefer fat grafting over dermal fillers.


FaceTite is specifically designed to be a great facial contouring treatment for both men and women. After treatment, patients should notice some results from their FaceTite appointment almost immediately. Results should continue to improve for weeks or possibly months post-treatment as your body replaces lost collagen and elastin. Affected fat cells are broken down and removed by your body resulting in smoother, tighter skin.


Schedule a Consultation

From Breast Augmentation to Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty and everything in-between, Board-Certified plastic surgeon Anthony Wilson, MD, FACS offers a wide range of procedures at his Portsmouth, NH office. If you are interested in booking a procedure, take the next step by scheduling a consultation today.