
Got a Facelift? Here’s How To Maintain Your Results

You’ve recently made the decision to get a facelift – one of the most prevalent cosmetic surgeries today. (The procedure comes in third after nose reshaping and eyelid surgery in popularity, according to a recent report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.) Also referred to as rhytidectomy, a facelift typically involves tightening the muscles that hold up your facial structure through incisions around the ears. Every patient is different, and the surgery will frequently also require removing fat where needed. The result? A refreshed, lifted look that’s meant to last for up to 10 years.

If you’re loving your new, more contoured face, you might be wondering how to extend the life of your facelift even more. There are ways to keep your dramatic results going – creams, serums, injectables, and laser skin resurfacing treatments, to name a few. Here, we sit down with experts from AW Plastic Surgery and get their tips on how to maximize the benefits of a facelift, whether this means giving your skincare routine a, well, facelift, or coming back into the office for minimally invasive procedures that will leave your skin looking plump and wrinkle-free. 

1. Incorporate Retinol into Your Beauty Routine

“We always recommend getting on a good medical grade skincare regimen,” AW Plastic Surgery experts say. There are a few beauty mainstays you can’t do without, the most important of which is retinol. Retinol is a magic word you hear in every conversation about wrinkles; most anti-aging potions are laced with it. A type of retinoid, “retinol” is derived from vitamin A – a fat-soluble vitamin that’s found in many foods and contributes to vision, growth, cell development, and reproductive function. When used on the skin, “retinol aids with skin turn-over, helping shrink pores and reduce fine lines,” AW Plastic Surgery experts say. Given these superpowers, retinol is often recommended for post-facelift upkeep

2. Sprinkle in Some Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a pivotal role in the repair of your body tissues, which is why it’s often recommended as part of a nutritional diet post-surgery. Maintaining a healthy diet (and staying hydrated!) will go a long way in helping your body heal faster. But incorporating vitamin C – whether dietary or topical – is beneficial even after you bounce back from surgery. As a topical formulation, this antioxidant does wonders for your skin health, ensuring that your post-facelift skin stays in tip-top shape. “Vitamin C protects the skin from free radicals and helps brighten the skin,” AW Plastic Surgery experts say. Studies have also shown that when used daily (for at least three months), vitamin C lessens the appearance of wrinkles. 

3. Make Sunscreen Your Best Friend

Who hasn’t heard about the seemingly endless benefits of sunscreen? That’s because it’s not just beneficial, it’s necessary. In a nutshell, lathering on the SPF prevents the development of wrinkles, fine lines, sunspots, hyperpigmentation, acne, and so much more! Make sunscreen a priority – especially after any procedure, when your skin is at its most vulnerable and susceptible to sun damage (which can lead to visible scarring). And even after you’ve completely healed from surgery, protecting your face with sunscreen will help keep wrinkles away – ensuring that you get the most out of your facelift.

4. Keep Up With Healthy Habits

From doctors and family members to the all-knowing internet, everyone harps on the benefits of healthy living – and for good reason. Every good life habit you can think of – eating well, sleeping well, exercising more, hydrating more, and stressing less – contributes to healthy, beautiful skin. Adopting these positive behaviors will only do you good (and this is true whether or not you’ve had a facelift!). For example, getting adequate shut-eye every night will go a long way in improving your skin’s ability to heal and restore its collagen reserves. 

5. Reduce Wrinkles With Neuromodulators (Aka, Botox®.) 

A facelift works wonders when it comes to tightening, contouring, and smoothing out your skin. Laser skin resurfacing treatments, on the other hand, can help get rid of blemishes, spots, and uneven tone. “We always talk about structure vs. canvas,” AW Plastic Surgery experts say. Facelifts restructure your skin by tightening underlying tissues; laser skin resurfacing treatments – like HALO – clear the canvas of any imperfections. “HALO helps address the canvas: fine lines, texture, pores, pigmentation. It’s the icing on the cake.” 

7. Boost Collagen With Microneedling Treatments

Microneedling is exactly what the name suggests; thin or “micro” needles are used to prick the skin, creating mini injuries. To heal itself, your body responds by producing more collagen – a key factor in improving elasticity and texture, and diminishing acne scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. One such treatment: Morpheus8, a special kind of microneedling procedure that also combines the superpowers of radiofrequency. “Morpheus8 helps maintain facelift results by stimulating collagen and improvement to texture and laxity,” AW Plastic Surgery experts say. “It helps facelift results ultimately last longer.”

Want to make your facelift results last even longer? Let us guide you through your options at AW Plastic Surgery. Reach out to us here for a consultation on anti-aging injectables, laser skin resurfacing treatments, and other skincare needs. We’re here to help you on your journey to smoother, clearer skin and a more confident life!