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Laser Skin Resurfacing


Laser skin resurfacing can be a great way to improve the overall appearance of your skin. Whether you’re struggling with acne scars, age spots, sun damage, or fine lines and wrinkles, this extraordinary treatment can help you achieve the beautiful and healthy skin you’ve always wanted.

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is one of the most effective ways to achieve beautiful and clear skin. At AW Plastic Surgery, a team of highly qualified laser technicians offer customized care to help you achieve your best skin possible.

Who is a Good Candidate for Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Almost everyone is a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing at AW Plastic Surgery. If you have sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, or age spots, it can be a perfect solution for you.

That said, there are a few things that may make you not a good candidate for the treatment, including the following:

  • Active acne
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Very dark skin
  • Excessive or sagging skin
  • If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding

Type of Lasers Used at AW Plastic Surgery

We offer a number of different non-ablative and ablative laser resurfacing options at AW Plastic Surgery, including:


The MOXI Laser is a nonablative laser that creates micro-injuries in the skin’s top layer. This stimulates collagen production and gives you the youthful appearance you’re looking for with minimal downtime. It can also minimize hyperpigmentation and sun damage. Moxi is also great for melasma.


Broad Band Light (BBL) uses light therapy to treat a variety of skin concerns. It’s similar to intense pulsed light (IPL) but uses multiple wavelengths of light to stimulate collagen production and address active acne, sun damage, and visible veins. It’s non-invasive and requires no downtime while providing clear, glowing skin.


Halo is the world’s first Hybrid Fractional Laser and combines non-ablative and ablative lasers to give you the clearer, smoother skin you want with no discomfort and minimal downtime.

Contour TRL Laser

The Contour is the most intense laser skin rejuvenation procedure in our practice and is similar to a phenol peel, which goes deep underneath the skin to target the dermis. It is known as the Contour TRL, or “Tunable Resurfacing Laser,” because it offers customizable skin rejuvenation by using ablative skin resurfacing at a range of depths. This triggers the skin to produce more collagen, which brings about the youthful look you’re searching for.

The provider will adjust the level of resurfacing to ensure patients with a variety of skin issues can receive the treatment and results they’re looking for. It can treat uneven texture, fine lines and wrinkles, scarring, hyperpigmentation, age spots and sun damage, and actinic keratosis (rough, scaly patches). Downtime is typically two weeks with redness that can last for a few months.

The Laser Skin Resurfacing Procedure

The laser skin resurfacing procedure depends on the type of laser treatment being used, but generally, treatment will start with a local anesthetic being applied to the skin. Then, during the treatment, the laser beam is used to remove the outer layer of the skin while heating the underlying skin layers. This process stimulates collagen production and helps you achieve the smoother, clearer, and more youthful-looking skin you want.

Cosmetic laser skin resurfacing is usually done on an outpatient basis and typically takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours. It depends on the size of the area being treated and if you’re having multiple areas done.


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My experience with Anthony and his staff was fabulous. From the moment I walked into the office, I was greeted, and treated like royalty. The level of professionalism was spot on. From day one, my interactions with Anthony and his nursing and administrative staff increased my confidence and trust that I was choosing the right surgeon. All my questions and concerns were answered, and I was never made to feel uncomfortable. My face looks amazing. My eyes brightly shine on my face and my lift has made me feel and look years younger. Thank you all for an amazing three months. Unfortunately, I probably won’t see you again because this face is going to last me a lifetime.

– Michelle V.


As you start the recovery process, it will feel like a mild sunburn, and you will notice some redness and swelling.

Five days after treatment, your skin will likely become dry and start to peel. Allow it to peel naturally. Don’t pick at it.

Your provider will provide you with instructions on how best to take care of your skin after laser resurfacing as it heals. As you heal, your new rejuvenated skin will likely be pink, but it will gradually lighten to your natural skin tone over the next two to three months.

You will see results within a few months with continued improvements appearing as time goes on.

Schedule A Consultation

Are you ready to see clearer, rejuvenated skin? Laser skin resurfacing at AW Plastic Surgery can be the perfect solution for you! We’ll design a customized laser treatment plan for you so you can achieve your aesthetic goals.

Schedule a consultation today by calling our Portsmouth, NH office or using our online contact form.



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