
Surgical Cosmetic Procedures in Portsmouth, NH


Taking pride in your femininity is empowering: Whether you want to regain the breast shape you had when you were younger or enhance your existing curves, achieving the body you want is essential to feeling comfortable in your own skin. Whether you need a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reconstruction, Dr. Anthony Wilson can help you overcome the effects of pregnancy, menopause, or illness and give you the figure you deserve.


Even if you exercise and eat healthily, aging and genetic patterns of fat distribution can make it difficult to achieve the body you want. Body contouring procedures remove unwanted fat and excess skin to reveal a leaner shape and better muscle definition, so that you look as fit as you feel. Some body contouring procedures can also address damage done to the body by pregnancy or cycles of weight gain and loss, making it easier for patients to maintain a strong, healthy physique. Areas commonly treated include the abdomen, flanks, arms, thighs, and the space below the chin. Most contouring surgeries create very long-lasting results with proper care and upkeep.


Beauty begins with authenticity: Your face should reflect your personality, vitality, and chosen cosmetic goals while retaining an aura of maturity and sophistication. Whether you’re concerned about aging or feel that one of your features doesn’t “fit” the rest of your face, Dr. Anthony Wilson will attentively listen to your concerns and develop a plan to achieve graceful, natural rejuvenation.

Schedule a Consultation

From Breast Augmentation to Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty and everything in-between, Board-Certified plastic surgeon Anthony Wilson, MD, FACS offers a wide range of procedures at his Portsmouth, NH office. If you are interested in booking a procedure, take the next step by scheduling a consultation today.