
Breast Implants


6 Revision or Reconstruction Options after Removing Breast Implants

Breast Implants,Breast Lift,Fat Grafting,Fat Transfer,| March 28

6 Revision or Reconstruction Options after Removing Breast Implants Breast reconstruction is a surgery that typically gets associated with lumpectomy and mastectomy, the surgery to remove breasts on a patient to prevent or treat breast cancer. But breast reconstruction or – what might be better referred to as “revision” of breast augmentation in many cases…


Why Today’s Breast Augmentation Is Better Than Ever

Breast Augmentation,Breast Implants,Plastic Surgery,| August 26

If you’ve ever wished for breasts that are rounder, more symmetrical, or that had greater volume, your ears probably perk up when you hear someone mention an experience with breast augmentation. Too often, this anecdote is a third- or fourth-hand story of someone’s cousin or her cousin’s roommate who had a “boob job” that went…