
The use of liposuction to contour the body has been popular for many years and continues to be. But what exactly does liposuction entail, and how do you prepare for it? Let’s take a look at what you can do to prepare yourself for the procedure, what takes place during surgery, and some tips to take with you for your recovery process. Having the right information is important to ensure you can make the right decision for you.

Preparing for Liposuction

A consultation with an experienced and board-certified surgeon is the first step toward having liposuction. Dr. Wilson will explain the process and evaluate your overall health to verify that you’re a good candidate for liposuction.

Since liposuction is not a replacement for weight loss, patients should be close to their ideal weight. Skin elasticity is also an indicator of success. Exercise and a healthy diet are also essential. Patients should already have good habits and understand that they need to continue them into the future to maintain long-term success.

Dr. Wilson will also recommend that certain medications be discontinued or updated before the procedure. For example, blood thinners could increase bleeding and will likely need to be stopped a few weeks before surgery. Smokers should also stop smoking a couple of weeks before the procedure.

Having realistic expectations of your liposuction results is also the best way to begin this journey. Knowing how close your vision is to reality will prevent disappointment in the future.

The Liposuction Procedure

On the day of the procedure, Dr. Wilson will mark the treatment areas on the skin. Pictures are also taken for comparison later on. The most popular and traditional treatment method of liposuction is tumescent. An injection of a tumescent solution is used to constrict blood vessels and loosen the fats. This solution may also contain an anesthetic to ensure you’re completely comfortable.

Dr. Wilson will then use a thin tube called a cannula to further loosen the unwanted fat, and it’s through that tube the fat will be suctioned out using a vacuum. While all this is happening, your surgical team will monitor your vitals to ensure you’re safe every step of the way.

Recovering and Achieving Results

Once the procedure is over, it’s time to start the recovery process. Initially, you’ll likely see some bruising, soreness, and swelling for one to two weeks after surgery. You’ll want to wear a compression garment around the treatment area to help lessen swelling and bruising. Over the next few weeks and months, the body will adjust to its new shape. As long as weight gain is minimal and the skin retains its elasticity, these changes will last many years to come.

Schedule A Consultation

Liposuction is a popular choice for many people looking to remove stubborn fat and contour their bodies. Dr.  Wilson will answer any questions you have and build a customized treatment plan to help you meet your goals. Schedule a consultation today at AW Plastic Surgery by calling our Portsmouth, NH at 603-691-2725 or using our online contact form.