
5 Things to Know about BodyTite

For many people, the road to weight loss can be an uphill battle. Kicking off a healthy diet and exercise regimen is a big part of the equation, but sometimes, that alone isn’t enough to conquer stubborn pockets of fat and loose skin. It seems like no matter how clean you eat or how many steps you clock into your Fitbit, there are always those extra fat cells that overstay their welcome and keep you behind your weight-loss goals. So, it’s understandable if you’re looking for a little help. In fact, The Aesthetic Society’s research found that “body procedures increased more than any other section” in 2021, up 63 percent from the year before. 

Enter BodyTite – a treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to tighten skin and stimulate collagen production. If you’re looking to zap away bulges that are resistant to traditional diet and exercise, you’ll find that BodyTite offers a non-invasive alternative to surgery with shorter downtime. But what exactly does the treatment entail? And who is a good fit? Here, AW Plastic Surgery experts share five things you need to know about BodyTite and what to expect during and after the procedure.

1. Not Everyone Is a Good Candidate for BodyTite

Despite its dramatic results, BodyTite is not a fat-erasing treatment for all. To qualify for the procedure, you have to be close to – approximately within 30 percent of – your ideal weight. “Patients with a mild degree of excess fat and skin laxity can be good candidates for BodyTite,” AW Plastic Surgery experts say. “If excess skin and adiposity are moderate to severe, typically a surgical route of abdominoplasty will be recommended.” Curious if you’re a good fit? A consultation is the first step to determining whether or not BodyTite is for you. Your surgeon will go over your options and discuss the perks and drawbacks of every route.

2. BodyTite Uses Radiofrequency Energy

Considered a minimally invasive procedure, BodyTite employs radiofrequency energy to tighten skin and stimulate collagen production. Once you’re placed under sedation, your surgeon will insert a thin probe through a small incision. The probe is covered with a cannula that delivers radiofrequency energy into your skin, working to heat and liquefy fat cells. This type of heating helps tighten skin by causing tissues to contract. This is what makes BodyTite such an effective tool in not just melting away fat but also strengthening loose skin, leaving a firmer, more taut appearance in areas like the abdomen, thighs, hips, knees, arms, and buttocks.

3. BodyTite Is Often Paired With Liposuction

BodyTite’s innovative technology brings a lot to the table – but its results are even more effective when combined with liposuction. Conventional liposuction removes areas of fat, while BodyTite breaks down fat cells and tightens loose skin. Together, they work their magic to melt and chase away those extra pounds without leaving behind any excess skin. “Dr. Wilson always pairs BodyTite with liposuction,” AW Plastic Surgery experts say. “Even if it may not appear that a significant amount of liposuction is needed, it is beneficial to remove the heated tumescent fluid following the completion of BodyTite.”

4. You’ll Have To Wear Compression Garments

Post-treatment, you’ll be required to wear a compression garment, which helps reduce swelling and support your recovery. This is something you’ll have to stick with full-time for one to two weeks, and then 12 hours a day for another four to 12 weeks, depending on where you’ve been treated. “Patients generally experience swelling and bruising but otherwise have a fairly easy postoperative course,” AW Plastic Surgery experts say. “The most important part of recovery is adequate and consistent compression of treated areas. Patients will be provided with their initial compression garment at the time of procedure, and they will also receive resources for additional compression garments.”

5. You’ll See Improvements Over 3 to 6 Months

One of the biggest aspects of any fat-removal procedure that patients need education on is recovery time. You might be wondering: When will I see results? How long will I have to wait until I notice a dramatic difference? “Patients often have a misconception about the healing time of liposuction,” AW Plastic Surgery experts say. “It can take around three to six months for the treated areas to fully heal. This is also true for the BodyTite; patients will see initial improvement and then continued improvements over the next three to six months.”

Want to erase extra fat that’s resistant to traditional diet and exercise? Let us guide you through your options at AW Plastic Surgery. Reach out to us here for a consultation, and learn more about BodyTite and what to expect afterward. We’re here to help you on your journey to a happier, more confident life!