
What is Morpheus8? 

Have you thought that a facelift would solve all your aging woes but were apprehensive about the procedure? Many patients we consult with at our Portsmouth, NH, practice have similar concerns. Thankfully, non-invasive treatments have improved over the years with newer, more effective aesthetic technology. For customers looking to shave a few years off their faces and achieve a more youthful look, Morpheus8 can be a great alternative to plastic surgery. Here we’ll discuss what you can expect with this ground-breaking treatment – and whether Morpheus8 is right for you.

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Why Should I Choose Morpheus8?

Many times, patients are looking to try something that will mimic the effects of a facelift before making that investment. While no non-invasive treatment can replace the premium results of a facelift, the Morpheus8 is a great option for those looking for a low-downtime, non-invasive procedure. This is usually a preferred maintenance treatment to keep up with skin repair and regenerating collagen in our office. 

How Does Morpheus8 Work?

Being in the business of helping people look their best, we’ve seen major transformations with both surgical and non-surgical methods. Like many of the lasers and non-invasive treatments we use, the Morpheus8 triggers collagen and elastin production. As a microneedling device, it creates tiny puncture wounds in the superficial dermis, which ramps up the production of collagen and allows the growth of new skin cells. 

While microneedling is a great treatment alone, the Morpheus8 takes skin rejuvenation to another level by using radiofrequency energy to target deeper layers of your skin. By triggering those collagen and elastin receptors, your skin will continue to look better over the weeks and months following treatment. The Morpheus8 not only helps to firm the face, but also the neck, which is often neglected and a tough area to treat. Many patients use this treatment as a “hack” to get a smoother, tighter neck area after a facelift.

The fractionated heat energy produced by Morpheus8 is also excellent for fading and repairing acne scarring. Many women love using this treatment for pregnancy stretch marks and C-section scars. More powerful than microneedling alone, the heat created by this device works to tighten underlying fat and muscle. For this reason, people enjoy the toning effects it has on the whole body, including the backs of arms, knees, abs, and thighs.

Is Morpheus8 Right for Me?


If you’re dissatisfied with signs of aging in your face, neck, or body, the Morpheus8 may be a great solution. It is FDA approved and scientifically proven to help build collagen and bring about more youthful-looking skin. Those who aren’t interested in surgery will be happy to know that the Morpheus8 requires no anesthesia or incisions. And just like a facelift, it reduces sagging skin around the chin, neck, and face while smoothing out creases and wrinkles. 

For many patients, scheduling four to five treatments a year helps them maintain a youthful look rather than totally overhaul the face. You can enjoy toned, even, smoother skin that keeps getting better. If you don’t have the time for recovery from a facelift, or want to see how you can improve your skin incrementally, the Morpheus8 might be right for you. Another great feature of the Morpheus8 is that it works on all skin types whereas many lasers are only for certain skin tones. Morpheus8 is truly an amazing device with multiple benefits!

Dr. Wilson and his experienced team of nurses and skincare technicians will assess your skin laxity and how aggressive the skin tightening and smoothing needs to be. The Morpheus8 device can be customized to your specific needs and most patients benefit from a series of treatments. 

When you’re ready for a non-invasive facelift, let us guide you through your options at AW Plastic Surgery. Reach out to us here for a consultation on how the Morpheus8 can fit into your anti-aging plans. We’re ready to help you achieve tighter, smoother, younger looking skin!