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How to Adapt Your Skincare Routine to Portsmouth’s Hot Humid Summer

How to Adapt Your Skincare Routine to Portsmouth’s Hot Humid Summer

In late summer, the average humidity in Portsmouth, NH is more than 75% for several months straight. Throughout the year, it averages more than 60% every month, which makes it necessary to make a few small tweaks to your skincare routine to adapt to our beautiful region’s heat and humidity, especially around this time of year.

At AW Plastic Surgery, we offer a wide range of non-surgical, minimally invasive skincare and resurfacing treatments, including multi-stage chemical peels, intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments, and microneedling sessions. Part of our treatment model with each cosmetic treatment is to talk about your skincare routine and how to get the best and most long term results out of this investment in yourself. 

In this post, we’ll talk about five of the best skincare routine tips and tricks we share with our patients for enduring humid weather like we experience in Portsmouth. 

If you’d like to talk with our Dr. Wilson and our team of skincare experts, please contact AW Plastic Surgery by calling (603) 294-4526 or send us a message through our website.

Tip #1: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Hands down, the most important advice we can give you for healthy skin in any weather is to drink more water! Drinking water and making sure you’re hydrated is one of the best ways to ensure healthy circulation, digestion, and absorption, all of which aid in maintaining healthy and beautiful skin. 

Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to make sure your skin has healthy volume, happy cells, and stays naturally moisturized in humid weather.

Tip #2: Pay attention to the T-Zone

Cosmetic medical professionals refer to area your face, shaped like the letter T, that includes the forehead, chin, nose, and areas above and below your lips as the T-Zone. This is an area is one you should normally pay special attention to because there is a higher concentration of oil glands, but it’s especially important to keep it clean in hot, humid weather. 

Dirt, sweat, and extra sun exposure can irritate skin throughout the T-Zone, causing clogged pores, shiny skin, and dry skin. Make sure you keep your T-Zone clean and rejuvenated in the summer with products like blotting papers and chemical peels.

Tip #3: Try a hydrating serum or mist

For those who live in areas with hot, humid summers, an underutilized and somewhat newer line of cosmetic skincare products are spray hydration serums and mists. Not only do these skincare products help deliver essential nutrients to your skin, but they also help keep it cool, which is essential for sexy skin when there’s an abundance of moisture in the air. 

Spray-style skin hydrating and cooling products are great to refresh your skin on-the-go and can help work wonders throughout the healing process after some cosmetic skincare treatments.  

Tip #4: Remove old, dead skin cells and dirt with a chemical peel

The longer you spend in hot, humid weather, the more dirt, oil, and dead skin cells you’ll see piling up and dulling the natural glow of your healthy skin. To get at the root of the problem, consider some in-office chemical peel treatments. Chemical peels can be customized to fit your unique needs, and they work by exfoliating and removing layers of old makeup, grime, and dead skin cells. 

Periodically exfoliating your skin helps rejuvenate it and make it tighter by encouraging healthy skin cell, elastin, and collagen production. 

Tip #5: Take advantage of the water-retaining magic of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is an ingredient in many dermal filler and skincare products that naturally occurs in your body as a lubricant. It’s found in areas such as your eyes, knees, and elbows. The reason it’s primarily used in lines of skincare products is because of the properties that make it a great substance for attracting and retaining water. Hyaluronic acid is especially important to look for in products you’ll want to use to help your healthy skin thrive in hot, humid climates.

Have Questions About Your Skincare Routine? Schedule a Skincare Consultation at AW Plastic Surgery

We’ve carefully staffed our plastic surgery practice in Portsmouth, NH with some of the industry’s best skincare experts. If you’d like to optimize your skincare routine for any weather, conditions, or lifestyle, please contact us for a consultation. 

Call AW Plastic Surgery at (603) 294-4526 or contact us through our website.

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