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Why Winter’s Chemical Peels Ensure You Stun in the Spring

Why Winter’s Chemical Peels Ensure You Stun in the Spring

The best time to revamp your facial skincare routine was yesterday. The next best time to do it is right now. Warmer weather is right around the corner, and that means ample opportunities to show off your skin and let it shine. With a new year in full bloom and spring just a few flips of the calendar away, that means we’re using lots of chemical peels at AW Plastic Surgery to resurface and wash off winter’s damage so our patients have stunning skin just in time for spring. 

In plastic surgery and cosmetic medical services, timing can be everything. Timing a treatment or procedure so the recovery is convenient, minimizes risk, and promotes good healing often helps you get the best results. In this post, we’ll share why scheduling your chemical peels in the winter is a smart move if you want your skin to radiate and look more youthful as soon as the warmer months settle in.

Experience Less UV Exposure After Winter Chemical Peels

One of the top reasons we recommend scheduling chemical peels in the cold winter months is because you’re more likely to spend more time indoors. Peels work by exfoliating and removing the outer layer of your skin. This paves the way for new, healthy skin cells to regrow. One of the best ways to encourage this process and ensure results is to follow your doctor’s post-treatment instructions, which will include avoiding excess UV exposure. 

You will likely have more downtime, experience shorter days, and keep out of the sunlight if you schedule your peels in winter. Take advantage of the slower season and gloomy, cold weather to get the best skin possible for springtime.

Clean the Winter Damage Off Before Spring

Choosing to start your chemical peels in the final months of winter is smart because your skin experiences a great deal of environmental damage throughout the season. Colder air carries less moisture, which means cold, dry winter weather can wreak havoc on your skin’s ability to naturally produce oils that ward off flaky skin. 

Although you’ll experience less UV exposure throughout the winter because of shorter days and more overcast, the UV rays your skin does absorb may be increased in intensity, especially in climates where there’s a lot of snow because of the way the snow reflects UV light. A perfectly timed peel can help reduce this damage before spring gets here.

The New Year Can Be a Great Time to Kick Off a New Skin Care Routine

People have been making New Year’s resolutions for a long time because the New Year is a good time to start new habits in the noble pursuit of achieving personal goals. A better skincare routine can be just as big of a goal as shedding 15 pounds to fit into that bikini again. 

Consider wrapping a series of chemical peel treatments into your 2020 New Year’s resolutions and pay your skin back for all the hard work it did protecting your body and making you look good last year.

Choosing Your Level of Chemical Peel

In general, we recommend a series of three chemical peels spaced about a month to a month and a half apart. If you’re trying to be ready for spring, that means the best time to start is October or November, but it’s never too late. 

We are delighted to offer a range of chemical peels that vary in strength and depth of treatment. Chemical peels are usually divided into three different categories:

  • Superficial or light peels
  • Medium peels
  • Deep peels

Light peels focus on improving your skin texture and tone. They’re usually made of a glycolic or salicylic acid solution. Medium peels, commonly a trichloroacetic acid solution, are great for deeper wrinkles, lines, scarring, and various levels of chronic sun damage. Deep peels, the strongest, contain carboxylic acid formulas that are ideal for achieving a deep and lasting facial rejuvenation.

Let’s Talk about Your Best Facial Rejuvenation Treatment Plan!

There are many non-surgical ways to rejuvenate your face and restore your healthy, youthful skin. If you’d like to talk about skin rejuvenation treatments involving lasers, peels, or dermal fillers, please schedule a consultation with Ivy League trained, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Wilson. 

Call (603) 294-4526 to schedule a consultation at AW Plastic Surgery in Portsmouth, NH. Contact us on our website with questions or any comments

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